Friday, September 25, 2020

Concentration by Asana

Improve Concentration Power by yoga Asana 

How Yoga Can Help to Improve Concentration?

Yoga is based on breath with motion and fully present in mind and body. The practice is centered on concentration – focus on the breath,  alignment, and movement.

 Balancing postures are a great way to improve concentration. Balancing posture quite literally force us to concentrate on the present moment of body . With so many factors that could physically and metaphorically make us fall during balances, we are forced to become present, concentration and focus on these points to maintain our balance.

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Vrikshasana is named so as the pose reminds you of a tree. It has the grace, stability, and humility of a healthy tree.Keep your eyes open during the pose and focus on an object or any point ahead to maintain balance. Practice this asana early in the morning on an empty stomach and hold it at least one minute. 

Benefits: It builds self-confidence and esteem and helps you deal with life’s issues in a composed manner. It increases your stamina and stretch the entire body. It calms your nervous system and treats numbness.

 Virabhadrasana (Warrior pose)

This flying warrior pose requires focus and concentration as you stabilize your body on one leg and remaining part of body is parallel to the floor.

 Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

Another one-legged balance, Half Moon works the hips in the opposite direction of Warrior III, creating openness within the hip joint and concentration of the mind.

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana(Extended Hand-to-Big Toe Pose)

As if balancing on one leg isn’t hard enough, this posture kicks it up a notch requiring strength, flexibility, and a big dose of concentration.

 Vasisthasana (Side Plank)

This balance pose has two points of contact with the floor (the feet and one hand), but that doesn’t make it any easier . . . Requiring lots of concentration to stabilize and align, this pose is a true test of awareness.

 Bakasana(Crow Pose)

This challenging yet accessible arm balance requires attention to many details of alignment within the body, forcing concentration and complete presence within the moment.

Sirsasana (Headstand)

Turning upside down and balancing on your head is a true test of concentration and present moment awareness (the key of concentration) since you need to steadily focus your attention fully on the task at hand.

Vyaghrasana (Forearm Stand) 

Likely one of the most challenging of all balance postures, inverting and balancing solely on your forearms definitely requires intense concentration to be able to achieve.


  1. sir super sir now only i saw i do it daily from after 1 week sir because test know sir so i be surely able to practice and do this .


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