Thursday, November 19, 2020

Hasth Mudra's Gyan

                       Mudras are the part of a yoga ,but how much do you know about them? Especially if you are new , it all get confusing. Which one should we use when And what is the difference?

Mudra means "seal" or "closure" in Sanskrit. We use these gestures for Concentration and meditation or in Pranayama practice to direct the flow of energy within the body by using hands.

 Five Elements are present in our hand 

    The universe is made up of five elements, and these all elements is present in our hand . The thumb represents the fire and it is a regulator , as well as universal consciousness. The index finger represents air .

The middle finger represents Akasha or connection. The ring finger represents earth, and the little finger represent water.

If these five elements are imbalance in our body, we can experience disease. Mudras  is one way of creating a balance between all of these elements within us.

1. Gyana Mudra

This mudra is mostly used in yoga and Pranayama  it's also known as the chin mudra. How to do this ? touches the tips of the thumb and index finger together, and keep other three fingers straight and join together, lightly stretched. This symbolizes the unity of fire and air as well as the unity of universal.

The Gyana mudra is increases concentration and it help to make concentration this mudra stop unwanted thinking in our mind, and is a gesture of knowledge. Keep your palms face upwards direction   when feeling receptive or rest your palm on your leg near knee when you wish to feel more grounded.

2. Shuni Mudra

  Touch the tip of the middle finger and thumb together, uniting the elements of fire and Akasha (connection). This mudra symbolizes patience and discipline in yourself , and it helps us to generate a feeling of stability. when you need additional strength to follow through any tasks so you try this mudra .

3. Surya Ravi Mudra

 Now how make this ? touch the tip of the ring finger and the thumb, and you bring together the elements of fire and earth. This mudra represents health and energy  , and it provides us with a feeling of balance. It can also help to provide positivity in our self and bringing positive changes in our life.

4. Buddhi Mudra

By touching the tips of the little finger and thumb together, you are enhancing intuitive communication. The elements of fire and water are brought together, and this symbolizes communication and openness. It can also help strengthen your intuitive knowledge.

5. Prana Mudra

The Prana mudra activates the dormant energy within the body. How to do this ? touch the tips of your thumb, ring finger, and little finger together. This mudra symbolizes the vital energy of  Prana  and will encourage the flow of energy, making you feel energized and strong.

6. Dhyana Mudra

  How to do this, first you sit in Padma asana place your hands on your lap, left palm under, palms facing up, and the tips of the thumbs are touch together .This mudra is provides calming energy for meditation and is used for deep contemplation and reflection

7. Anjali Mudra

Join your  palms together in front of your chest (center) and the heart space it symbolizes honor and respect toward yourself like namaskar and toward the universe. This mudra expresses love and gratitude. 

Use these mudras  in your daily life while meditating or practicing pranayama.  hold each mudra for at least 2 to 3 minutes .

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