Thursday, October 15, 2020

Balance diet According to class wise



    Humans Beings need a wide range of Mineral's and Vitamins  to lead a healthy life. Dietary needs is fulfill by proper intake of food in relation to the body's . A well balance diet is combined with regular physical activity is important for good health. Imbalance diet can lead to reduced immunity , increased possibility of disease impaired physical , mental development, and reduced productivity. A Healthy diet is fully based on nutrients according to time and physical activity . 

A healthy diet helps in preventing malnutrition in all  forms as well as wide range of non-communicable diseases and conditions. But Now a days lifestyle is different and the time is running fast in this effect we forgot our culture and not take proper diet rapid urbanization/globalization, increased consumption of processed foods and changing lifestyles has big difference in dietary patterns.

On this days peoples are doing more work and they want more energy but they are not take proper balance diet like fiber , proteins , Carbohydrates only they are taking fast food and fast food only provide fats . do not eat enough fruits, green vegetable , dry fruits , whole grains etc. So result is early tired , improper sleep ,physical structure imbalanced and working capacity decrease , diet is depend on age, gender , lifestyle and degree of physical work .

Now We see according to Class Wise what is our balance diet : 

Class   - I to III 

protein (85 to 150 gm)- pulses, soya nuggets, egg whites , fish , chicken breast 

fruits (1 to 1.5 No.)   - Apples, Bananas , Seasonal Fruits, Papaya , watermelon

Vegetables (1 to 1.5No.)- Carrots, Beets, Sweet potato ,Seasonal fresh vegetables                                            and  Green Vegetables 

Grains (115 to 170 gm) - Rice, whole wheat , millets like jowar and bajra 

Dairy products 1 glass morning and 1 evening - Milk , Curds, 

Class - IV to  VIII 

protein (115 to 170 gm)- pulses, soya nuggets, egg whites , fish , chicken breast 

fruits (1.5 to 2 No.)   - Apples, Bananas , Seasonal Fruits, Papaya , watermelon

Vegetable (1 to 4.5No.)- Carrots, Beets, Sweet potato ,Seasonal fresh vegetables                                            and  Green Vegetables 

Grains (140 to 255 gm) - Rice, whole wheat , millets like jowar and bajra 

Dairy products 1.5 coffee cup morning and 1.5 evening - Milk , Curds, 

Class - IX to  XII

protein (140 to 200 gm)- pulses, soya nuggets, egg whites , fish , chicken breast 

fruits (1.5 to 4.5 No.)   - Apples, Bananas , Seasonal Fruits, Papaya , watermelon

Vegetable(1.5 to 4.5No.)-Carrots, Beets, Sweet potato ,Seasonal fresh vegetables                                            and  Green Vegetables 

Grains (170 to 285 gm) - Rice, whole wheat , millets like jowar and bajra 

Dairy products 1.5 coffee cup morning and 1.5 evening - Milk , Curds, fresh                                                       cheese and butter 

Balance Food  for one time 

use limited oil for making vegies and use low cholesterol refined oil  because it is also show major role in balance diet 

Physical activity is very important role in balance diet it helps for maintain internal organ like stomach , heart , brain , lungs and external part also .


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